You also need to comment on why the items in the catalogue were useful.
Area of Investigation: this is the subject of your research and may be written as a statement (Guy Ritchie's representation of the gangster).
Focus Film: you are expected to anchor the project on one film that will be the focus of the research.
Related Films: you should also have at least two other films you expect to reference as part of the project.
Internet: list the websites and include a paragraph for each website explaining why this site is useful, what does it add to your research.
Books: list the books and include author, release date and chapter. Include a paragraph for each book explaining why this site is useful, what does it add to your research.
Magazine Articles: list the magazines and include a paragraph for each website explaining why this article is useful, what does it add to your research.
Newspapers: list the newspaper articles and include a paragraph for each website explaining why this newspaper is useful, what does it add to your research.
DVD Extras: add any DVD extras that have been useful and include a paragraph for each DVD extra explaining why this site is useful, what does it add to your research.
Television: list the TV shows/interviews, include a paragraph for each television programme explaining why this site is useful, what does it add to your research.
Others: List any other type of research.
Deselected Items: Here should be a paragraph on deselected material, stating why you initially chose the item and why you rejected the item.