Aims and Context


  1. Create a short film or film extract
  2. Extended Step outline for a documentary
  3. Screenplay

When writing your Aims and Context you need to consider the following areas:

Audience (Be specific, gender, age, class etc)

e.g. My product is mainly aimed at males but there are some elements that will attract female viewers. The main idea behind some of the visuals and the music used is to get the male audience in something that they would not normally be interested in. Genres usually get pinned with the same stereotypical viewers and my film tries to pull away from that by using elements of other genres but where the narrative still sticks to the drama genre. I would give my product an age range of teens and adults because the story is not something that would interest the younger generations. So I would aim for a 15 certificate as you have to have a fairly educated mind to understand the complexity of the narrative and there are parts of physical violence.

Stylistic & Formal Influences (talk about how your film will look and how it will be structured, refer to other films)

e.g. Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood Crime Dramas. I want my film to be very true to the original style of Film Noir. I want it to be shot in black and white, to feature music of the 1940’s, to showcase the original conventions of Film Noir such as dark defined silhouettes, scenes shot at night time, for the film to be shot in a huge ‘maze-like’ city, for the male characters to be in smart three piece suits and for them to be smoking and drinking heavily, and for the Femme Fetal of the film to have red lips that the camera concentrates on for her expressions to be shown. These conventions of the genre are very important and are the guidelines to which the film will be shot. 

Previous Study

e.g. I have linked this in with the extended step outline I created last year. I have stuck loosely to the narrative although I have adapted pieces of it to make more sense but at the same time the story is slightly more complex to make it more interesting and doesn’t let the story drag on, thus loosing the interest of the viewer.

The role you will be Undertaking

e.g.  I am taking on the role of researcher and writer. I hope to take some skills from this, which I can use to not just write my own screenplays but also just as an interest to see screenplays from other movies. I also hope to have a better understanding of the importance of planning your media product first before just going in and making the film from scratch.


e.g. The deadline for the screenplay is the 17th of December. This gives me enough time to get my five scenes completed and handed in. I will aim to get it in earlier although this will not be a guarantee. The first few weeks I am spending planning out my ideas and narrative. I am also developing my characters and trying to make them as real as possible. I am then going to move onto looking at a screenplay and making my own.

The Application Of Learning

e.g. I have used the same narrative to both this screenplay and my AS level Extended Step Outline. I have adapted this to make more and actually slightly less sense at the same time. Viewing a large range of other films from different genres, countries and decades have helped me develop the story and I have been able to use something from a few different genres.

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